
A blue pavilion at the ferry terminal of Moskenes.


  • Einar Elton
  • Håkon Matre Aasarød
  • Geir Nummedal
  • Magnus Kvalheim


  • Statens Vegvesen


The project is a service building with a waiting room and public toilets at the ferry terminal of Moskenes in the Lofoten Islands.

During winter the polar light creates a special atmosphere in Lofoten: The landscape is immersed in a rich variation of blue, changing from bright beautiful azure - to the deepest royal blue, in a matter of minutes. 

This blue phenomenon is reflected in the pavillion: The two concrete gables carrying the large roof, are made of cobalt blue concrete with marble stones. The roof is clad with perforated blue fiber cement sheets, functioning as a lamp for both the inside and outside areas underneath it. 

The building is designed for National Tourist Routes in Norway (Statens Vegvesen).

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